The names and contact information for the members of the District's Child Study Teams can be found here.
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Clinton Township School District offers comprehensive special education services for eligible students in grades preschool through 8th. Our collaborative team of administrators, teachers, Child Study Team members, and related service providers works to ensure students receive appropriate educational support in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).
We strive to meet each student's individual needs through a coordinated system of special education and related services, aimed at enhancing student achievement and success. Depending on individual requirements, these services may be provided within our district or though out-of-district placements.
Whenever possible, students receiving special education services are integrated into general education classes. Highly qualified special education teachers provide appropriate modifications, accommodations, and supplementary aids to support student success.
Each student's Individual Educational Program (IEP) is tailored to address their unique needs and ensure the provision of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Each IEP includes specific goals based on the student's needs, as well as a combination of applicable programs and related services which assist the student in meeting their goals.
Programs offered for Clinton Township students:
Integrated Full-Day Preschool
Full-Day Preschool Disabilities (ABA-based program)
Inclusion Opportunities/In-Class Support
Pull-out Replacement Resource for ELA and Math
Supplemental Reading Support
School-Wide Enrichment
Autism Special Classes
Multiple Disabilities Special Classes
Language/Learning Disabilities Special Classes
The role of the Child Study Team is to evaluate students, determine eligibility for special education services, and support teachers and staff in meeting each child's educational needs. A Child Study Team is primarily made up of a School Psychologist, a Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant (LDT-C), and a School Social Worker; depending on the student's needs, related service providers may be included as well.
Each member of the Child Study Team plays a unique role in the student evaluation process:
If you are concerned about your child's progress within the classroom, please discuss your concerns with your child's teacher. They can help determine the best course of action for your child, which may or may not include a referral to the school's Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS) Team.
If you believe your child requires further evaluation, you may request either a Speech Articulation Evaluation or a full Child Study Team evaluation. A Speech Articulation evaluation would be appropriate if you are concerned only about the sound of your child's speech, whereas a Child Study Team evaluation may include articulation concerns but also language, learning, and/or behavioral concerns as well.
To request either evaluation for your child, please submit a letter that includes the following:
Your name and contact information
Your student's name and birthdate
A statement of what you are requesting
A brief summary of your concerns, if possible
An ORIGINAL, hand-signed signature (also known as a "wet" signature)
Your letter should be addressed to the Office of Special Services and may be provided to a staff member at your child's school or mailed to the following address:
Clinton Township Middle School
Office of Special Services
34 Grayrock Road
Clinton, NJ 08809
Once your request is received in the Office of Special Services, you will be contacted by either a speech therapist or Child Study Team member to discuss the next steps. They will have 20 days to schedule an "initial planning meeting" with you to discuss your concerns and determine if evaluations for your child are warranted.
If the Child Study Team agrees that evaluations are necessary, the team cannot move forward without your written consent.
The names and contact information for the members of the District's Child Study Teams can be found here.